Project Description
Mombasa Special Economic Zone (MSEZ) is a national priority project under Kenya’s Vision 2030. Regulated by the 2015 Special Economic Zone Act, the project spans 1,700 acres and its goal is to create jobs by integrating port facilities, free trade zones, industrial parks, and residential areas.
Project Information
Project Promoter: Kenya Ports Authority
Sector: Transport and Logistics
Subsector: Port Infrastructure Development
Country of Deal: Kenya
Market Opportunity
The Mombasa Special Economic Zone (MSEZ) holds significant potential due to its proximity to the Port of Mombasa, which serves as a principal international seaport for Kenya, East Africa, and Central Africa. This strategic location creates ample opportunities for establishing port-related logistics centers and manufacturing facilities.
Investment Opportunity
The project presents a $300 million investment opportunity for private investors. With the government seeking partners to develop infrastructure and operationalize this master plan, investors can capitalize on fiscal incentives for lucrative returns in logistics and manufacturing.
Financial Performance
Latest annual revenue size (USS): >1 million | Profitability (Le., EBITDA +ve or -ve): N/A
Financing Overview
Fundraising Amount (US$): 300,000,000
Deal type: Investment
Financing Type: Public Private Partnership
Available investor material: Feasibility study and Pitch deck
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